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Re: Re: Printing, WYSIWYG, and Window Magnification?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90349] Re: [mg90310] Re: Printing, WYSIWYG, and Window Magnification?
  • From: DrMajorBob <drmajorbob at>
  • Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2008 07:22:02 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <g4fhsp$9p5$> <>
  • Reply-to: drmajorbob at

WYSIWYG was never a priority for Mathematica notebook/documents; it's very  
frustrating, non knowing where the page will break.

Until, that is, you reach a Zen state of mind where you no longer care  
what paragraphs accompany others on a page.


On Sat, 05 Jul 2008 03:50:47 -0500, AES <siegman at> wrote:

> In article <g4klfu$m8e$1 at>,
>  Murray Eisenberg <murray at> wrote:
>> Addendum: A Print Preview, whose absence Helen Read noted in another
>> post to this thread, is the single greatest improvement in the Front End
>> I can imagine now.
>> Of course to want that, one has to believe in printed material.
> I don't really understand the point being made (or implied?) in the
> final sentence above.
> For me, at any rate, all of the "printed material" I create, deal with,
> store, or occasionally print these days is created, read, stored, and
> occasionally printed in or from PDF format -- and the "occasional print"
> aspect means I would like these PDF files to be, except for rare
> exceptions, created in letter-size page format, with user-controllable
> option for portrait or landscape orientation.
> So without getting into semantic questions as to the meaning of "printed
> material", the basic question can also be phrased:  How can one view a
> _magnified_ display of a Mathematica notebook on screen, with this
> magnified display showing the contents of the notebook in an exactly
> WYSIWYG representation (except for the magnification!) of what
> Mathematica will deliver a letter-size PDF file of that display? -- same
> line breaks, same page breaks, same line and paragraph spacings, same
> relative sizes of text and graphics, and generally everything usually
> thought of as included in WYSIWYG.
> [And as secondary points, how can one be sure that Mathematica will
> embed in this PDF any of it's own fonts that are used in the PDF, so
> that one does not run into font problems if the resulting PDF is
> transferred to another machine, or opened in another application?
> And also, even if one asks for a font like Helvetica to be used in
> graphics, Mathematica has an annoying habit of taking a negative axis
> label or tick value like "-10" and converting it into two separate
> strings, with the minus sign "-" in a Mathematica font as one string and
> the "10" in Helvetica as a separate string.  There used to be an arcane
> option for blocking this behavior; does it still exist?]

DrMajorBob at

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