Re: SelectionPlaceholder in Packages
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg90313] Re: SelectionPlaceholder in Packages
- From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
- Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2008 04:51:19 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <g4i8ue$38p$>
On Jul 3, 6:16 am, "David Park" <djmp... at> wrote: > I'm having a lot of difficulty in using a SelectionPlaceholder in a > CreatePalette statement that is in a package. The problem is that it gets > the package context attached to it and if I try to write a 'Global`' in > front of it I obtain syntax errors when loading the package. Here is a > preliminary 'in notebook' example that does what I want. I include sev= eral > features that are in my actual example such as the HoldFirst attribute an= d > Grid construction. I also include a Global` context on the placeholder ev= en > though it is not necessary here. The Defer is necessary to keep from > displaying the evaluated version of foo. > > Attributes[foo] = {HoldFirst}; > foo[x_] := x^2 > > TestPalette := > CreatePalette[ > Defer@Grid[{{PasteButton[foo[Global` \[SelectionPlaceholder]]]}}], > WindowTitle -> "TestPalette", > WindowMargins -> Automatic, > ClosingAutoSave -> False] > > TestPalette; > > That all works. Now, here is a package version. Create a TestPalette f= older > in your private Applications folder and save the notebook there under the > name TestPackage'. > > ___________________________________________________________ > > Notebook[{ > > Cell[CellGroupData[{ > Cell["TestPackage", "Section"], > > Cell[BoxData[ > RowBox[{ > "BeginPackage", "[", "\"\<TestPalette`TestPackage`\>\"", > "]"}]], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > > Cell[BoxData[ > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{"foo2", "::", "usage"}], "=", > "\"\<foo2[x] is a test function.\>\""}], ";"}]], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > > Cell[BoxData[ > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{"TestPalette2", "::", "usage"}], "=", > "\"\<TestPalette2 will launch a palette to paste the foo function.= \ > \>\""}], ";"}]], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > > Cell[BoxData[ > RowBox[{"Begin", "[", "\"\<`Private`\>\"", "]"}]], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > > Cell[BoxData[ > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{"Attributes", "[", "foo2", "]"}], "=", > RowBox[{"{", "HoldFirst", "}"}]}]], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > > Cell[BoxData[ > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{"foo2", "[", "x_", "]"}], ":=", > SuperscriptBox["x", "2"]}]], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > > Cell[BoxData[ > RowBox[{"TestPalette2", ":=", "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{"CreatePalette", "[", > RowBox[{ > RowBox[{"Defer", "@", > RowBox[{"Grid", "[", > RowBox[{"{", > RowBox[{"{", > RowBox[{"Global`testsymbol", ",", > RowBox[{"PasteButton", "[", > RowBox[{"foo2", "[", "\[SelectionPlaceholder]", "]"}]= , > "]"}]}], "}"}], "}"}], "]"}]}], ",", "\[IndentingNewL= ine]", > > RowBox[{"WindowTitle", "\[Rule]", "\"\<TestPalette2\>\""}], ",", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{"WindowMargins", "\[Rule]", "Automatic"}], ",", > "\[IndentingNewLine]", > RowBox[{"ClosingAutoSave", "\[Rule]", "False"}]}], > "]"}]}]], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > > Cell[BoxData[ > RowBox[{"End", "[", "]"}]], "Input", > InitializationCell->True], > > Cell[BoxData[ > RowBox[{"EndPackage", "[", "]"}]], "Input", > InitializationCell->True]}, Open ]] > }, > > AutoGeneratedPackage->Automatic, > WindowSize->{607, 750}, > WindowMargins->{{Automatic, 191}, {Automatic, 62}}, > FrontEndVersion->"6.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (May 21, 2008)", > StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" > ] > > ___________________________________________________________ > > In the TestPackage Grid I include an extra Global`testsymbol object to sh= ow > that usually this construction works all right. Now if one loads the pack= age > and evaluates TestPalette2: > > Needs["TestPalette`TestPackage`"] > > TestPalette2 > > the palette is displayed but it has the private package context on the > selection placeholder. But if I use Global`\[SelectionPlaceholder] then I > obtain a syntax error when reading the package. I can't find any way to g= et > it into the Global context. > > Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance. > > -- > David Park > djmp... at comcast.net I have run into this issue as well at some point... But I don't remember coming up with a fully general solution. One approach, if feasible in your particular case, might be to write a String version of the portion of the code that is problematic and then wrapping it in ToExpression. --David