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Re: Collapsing cell groups [was: Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90679] Re: Collapsing cell groups [was: Mathematica
  • From: Bob F <deepyogurt at>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 04:48:45 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <> <g5pj28$qcf$>

On Jul 18, 2:08 am, Murray Eisenberg <mur... at> wrote:
> That new-in-6 feature only seems to work with a cell at the topmost
> level within a group.  For example, I have a notebook with the followin=
> structure:
>    Section
>    Input cell with a Plot expression
>    Output cell from that Plot
>    Text cell
>    Section
> Yes, if I double-click the text cell, the rest of the entire Section
> group collapses to that text cell.
> However, suppose I want to collapse everything in that section except
> the Plot output.  I double-click the Plot output cell's bracket and the
> Input/Output pair collapses to just the output cell.
> But now how could I collapse the entire section so that just the plot
> output cell shows?  If I double-click the output cell bracket, nothing
> happens; if I double-click the Plot Input/Output group bracket, then of
> course it just reopens the Plot Input cell again.
> Am I missing something here?
> John Fultz wrote:
> > ...  There are
> > several options for hiding the input cells, including the new ability i=
n version
> > 6 to collapse a cell group around a cell other than the topmost cell
> > (double-click the cell bracket of the cell you wish to remain visible).

If you group the Plot cell and the text cell by highlighting the two
(on a Mac with Apple (aka Command key) held down and click on the two
cell brackets, then do a CTRL-G to group them (but not the plot
output). Then if you double-click on the plot output it stays and the
other two are hidden worked for me on my Mac.


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