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Solve[] doesn't

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90619] Solve[] doesn't
  • From: Hauke Reddmann <fc3a501 at>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 06:29:42 -0400 (EDT)

This is extremely annoying.     
I have a very large (this seems to be critical) equation
system. It's partly linear, partly horror, but already
after I solve the linear part, a certain solution (which
is obviously one since substituting it in makes all equations
identical zero) can't be found anymore. The solution has some
surds (this also seems critical, the ones without are found) 
but the equations are strictly polynomic.

Faked Example (the real one only PM-ed, since it's a bit

and after y was eliminated, it doesn't find x. (=golden mean here)
Hauke Reddmann <:-EX8    fc3a501 at
    Er-a svo gott     sem gott kveða 
    öl alda sonum,     því að færra veit 
    er fleira drekkur     síns til geðs gumi.

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