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RE: Re: Export into Excel Worksheets

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90873] RE: [mg90856] Re: Export into Excel Worksheets
  • From: "Tugrul Temel" <temelt at>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 02:31:54 -0400 (EDT)

Yes, the following code works in exporting data from Mathematica to Excel

data = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {3, 4, 2}];
Export["test.xls", data];

However, in importing the same file "test.xls" back to Mathematica, the
following code does not work. WHY?

data1 = Import["D:\test.xls", {"Data", 1}]
data2 = Import["D:\test.xls", {"Data", 2}]
data3 = Import["D:\test.xls", {"Data", 3}]


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Rowe [mailto:readnews at] 
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2008 10:23 AM
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg90873] [mg90856] Re: Export into Excel Worksheets

On 7/25/08 at 6:13 AM, Mark.Coleman at (Coleman, Mark)

>I've got a list of data that I'd like to Export into Excel. The
>twist is, I'd like to export each element of the list into a
>separate worksheet within the same Excel Workbook. Can this be done
>in Mathematica v6?

Yes. For example,

Export["test.xls",RandomReal[1, {3, 3, 3}],"XLS"]

will create a workbook file with three spreadsheets.

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