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Model the surface of an ellipsoid

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg93519] Model the surface of an ellipsoid
  • From: Mayneord <xrayspectrum at>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 04:04:20 -0500 (EST)

Hi All,

I am looking for a way to model the surface of an ellipsoid with
Mathematica 5.2.
To define the surface, i got an equation given below :

E[r_,d_] = Sqrt[r^2/9 + d^2/9];

Mathematica version of the above equation :

    RowBox[{\(E[r_, d_]\), "=",
        StyleBox[\(r\^2\/3\^2 + d\^2\/3\^2\),
          FontSlant->"Italic"]]}], ";"}]\)

for example : the values of ' d ' ranges from -2 to 2 and ' r ' ranges
from -3 to 3.

Can somebody please tell me how to make a 3D ellipsoidal surface with
this information?

the aim is to place this ellipsoidal volume on one co-ordinate point
of a 2D image and check if there is any intercept with x or y axis
within this volume.

i really don't know, just with this information, if it is possible to
acheive the given task.

I sincerely appreciate your generous solutions or suggestions.


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