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Re: Export movie from MathKernel along

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg93792] Re: Export movie from MathKernel along
  • From: Albert Retey <awnl at>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 05:11:28 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <gg0qbu$8g$>


> Is there any way, under Mathematica 6.0x to export a collection of images to an AVI or SWF file without requiring the Front End? Whenever I try from math, an error is reported to the effect that 
> "Export::nofe: A front end is not available; export of SWF
>      requires a front end."

I don't know if there are means to achieve what you want without the
frontend, but my guess is that there are things that the kernel alone
can not do, and exporting images might well be one of these. This guess
results from the fact that webmathematica has the same problem: it can
provide certain functionalities only when a frontend is present. What is
done there is that the kernel starts a frontend if needed, which is not
that trivial, especially because typical server applications can't just
open windows, but there are means to do that and the documentation for
webmathematica contains some information how you can set this up. So if
the topic is important enough to justify the effort and this sounds like
it could solve your problem I would  suggest to read the webmathematica
documentation to learn how to implement such a setup.



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