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Re: Creating a plot of multiple graphs - multiple scaled axis...

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg106064] Re: [mg106012] Creating a plot of multiple graphs - multiple scaled axis...
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 03:19:14 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <23447542.1262165146410.JavaMail.root@n11>


You can use Show to combine multiple plots, Epilog to add extra things,
Rescale to change the y-scale of one function to occupy the same space as
the other function, and FrameTicks to specify ticks on the right side Frame
for the second function. This all works, but is somewhat cumbersome in my

So you might also want to look at the Presentations package ($50) that
simplifies the process of making custom graphics (and has many other
features also). Essentially you can just draw one thing after another in one
graphics statement and there is also a CustomTicks command for generating
major and minor ticks.

Some examples of Presentations solutions are at Peter Lindsay's site at the
St. Andrews University Mathematics department. 

Specifically, the Broken-axis Graph2 example, although not exactly like your
problem, shows the general techniques that can be used. There is a PDF file
so you can view it without the package. The Reverse Axis Plot example and
Multiple Functions example might also be interesting.

David Park
djmpark at  

From: Earl Mitchell [mailto:earl.j.mitchell at] 

I have a special application for which I'd like to display more than one set
of points on the same graph, on a custom scale.  As an example, I would like
for the first data set to have a span on the y axis from 1000 to 0, and they
other dataset I'd like to span from 100 to 0 - but I would like 1000 and 100
to be at the same level visually on the graph... it's an odd task - does
anyone know if this is possible?  Thank you.


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