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Re: palettes: Mathematica input

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101311] Re: palettes: Mathematica input
  • From: Bob F <deepyogurt at>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 06:32:47 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h2cpua$ahn$>

On Jun 30, 4:38 am, " at" < at>
> Trying to write a palette, I found very tiring to rewrite some very
> common patterns, e.g. I'd like my custom palette to contain also all
> the lower/uppercase greek letters.
> There is some quick way to have the Mathematica input used to
> generate  an already-existing palette?
> E.g. I have all the letters ready in the palette "Basic Typesetting",
> and I thought that right-click -> "Generate Notebook" was what I
> wanted, but it simply copies the palette in a notebook, while I need
> all the lines "ButtonBox["..."] //  DisplayForm;" ....
> alessandro

Try putting //InputForm after the palette you just created from the
right-click "Generate Notebook" --  and you get all the code that it
takes to generate the palette. But for some reason when you re-execute
this code you don't get back as good a looking palette as what the
original was - can someone explain why that is?


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