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Re: Dynamic freeze

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101816] Re: Dynamic freeze
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 04:49:56 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h3hjh0$1pd$>

Andrzej Kozlowski wrote:
>  From time to time when opening a notebook containing dynamic content  
> (e.g. a Mathematica demonstration) Mathematica appears to freeze, and  
> then the following message appears:
> One or more dynamic objects are taking excessively long to finish  
> evaluating. You may either disable further dynamic evaluations or  
> continue waiting. Dynamic updating can be re-enabled using the Dynamic  
> Updating Enabled command in the Evaluation menu.
> All very well, except that my experience has taught me that this  
> situation is (almost?) always equivalent (from the user point of view  
> anyway) to a Front End Crash. Clicking the "Continue" button seems to  
> guarantee that the same dialog will return after a further period of  
> apparent freeze. Clicking on "Disable Dynamic Updating" is usually  
> impossible and in fact I am not sure if I have ever succeeded in  
> getting out of this sort of situation without having to Force Quit  
> Mathematica.
> What's more worrying is that this sort of thing happens with perfectly  
> good notebooks containing no errors of any kind, including  
> demonstrations downloaded from the Demonstrations site. It only  
> happens from time to time, fortunately not very often,  but I have not  
> been able to discover any reproducible way to arrive at this  
> situation. It looks like it depends on the internal state of  
> Mathematica rather than on the contents of the notebook.
> I am experiencing this now with version 7.01 under Mac OS X, 10.5.7,  
> but I think the same thing used to happen in every version since  
> version 6 and Mac OS X.
> Andrzej Kozlowski
Yes - this happens with Windows too. Unfortunately, I think the FE is 
now so complicated, because of Dynamic, that it is no longer very stable :(

One way of rescuing the FE (at least most times), that I have 
discovered, is to use a system command (e.g. task Manager under Windows) 
to kill the kernel process - don't try to do this from the FE. The 
system usually seems to hiccup a bit, but recovers, which can be 
important if you have unsaved work!

David Bailey

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