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Re: What should be a simple task....

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg100698] Re: What should be a simple task....
  • From: dr DanW <dmaxwarren at>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 21:39:14 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h0nuoh$bhh$>

Hands down, PDF is the best way to exchange graphics between programs
if both programs support it.  Unfortunately, Powerpoint does not
natively support PDF.  It uses a filter that converts PDF's to a
bitmap (defeating all the advantages of the vector format), and its
default settings yield the really poor images you are complaining

On a Mac, I create my presentations on Keynote, which handles PDF's
natively.  If I must for compatibility reasons, I export the Keynote
to Powerpoint when I am done.  The export filter in Keynote does a
much better job of creating readable bitmaps for Powerpoint than
Powerpoint itself does.

On a PC, your best bet is using the PNG format.  Select the graphic,
right click, Save As..., and select PNG as the file format (I've only
used a Mac since upgrading to 7; your mileage may vary but I remember
this working on a PC). It's a little blurry, but acceptable at the
resolutions usually available on a projector.

I feel your pain.  One does not always get to choose the medium one
uses to communicate, but we do the best with what is imposed upon us.


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