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Re: Re: Re: undocumented feature: TableView

 > In[5]:= ClearAttributes[TableView, ReadProtected]
 > In[10]:= ?? TableView
 >  it is pretty easy to drill down [..] by using the trick in my  
previous post

nice trick, I learned something new today, thankyou David!

 > Perhaps there's some way, using Dynamic, that one does not need to do
 > things as I've just shown, so that TableView could in fact be used  
 > interactive data input, under program control.

Unfortunately, Dynamic[edited = TableView[data]]   doesn't allow any  
editing, trying to modify the cells makes M7 beep:  "You tried to edit  
inside a subexpression that cannot be edited, because it is a fixed  
special form". I've tried Dynamic[TableView[data], Temporary] and  
SetOptions[Dynamic, Editable -> True] but doesn't work.

It would be easy and useful to use interactively the edited data.

 > Let's hope that WRI brings TableView into more public view and  
 > it in future releases.



Il giorno 10/ott/09, alle ore 13:08, Murray Eisenberg ha scritto:

> TableView does allow a nice display of tabular data. And right- 
> clicking
> rows or columns provides useful possibilities.
> Perhaps a more interesting question is how the display functionality
> might be extended (unless already there!) so that one can retrieve the
> table currently displayed in the TableView output.  Of course it's
> unclear how this could/should be done: the result of TableView is
> already the table you see
> Right now, of course, one can use the menu item Insert > Table/ 
> Matrix to
> input tabular data, but I've always found using that a bit clunky:
> unless you start in the top left placeholder and carefully tab from  
> each
> placeholder to the next, it's too easy to find the cursor outside any
> placeholder.
> With TableView, it's really easy to just click anywhere within one of
> the spreadsheet-like cells and type, delete, etc.
> Moreover, if the added functionality were there, then TableView  
> would be
> a really nice way to gather tabular input interactively, with minimal
> programming compared with what would now be required.
> Right now, one can almost get the functionality with TableView that  
> I'd
> like, but it's awkward. For example, suppose first you evaluate:
>   TableView[Table[0, {3}, {2}]]
> Then you go ahead and change some of the entries so that you see in  
> the
> display, e.g.:
>   2      -5
>   hello  1+1
>   2/3    Plot[x^2,{x,0,1}]
> The new values are not yet assigned to anything.  But the changed  
> table
> is a result -- still in an output cell -- and the content of an output
> cell can be used as input:
>   data = List@@First[%];
>   data // InputForm
> {{2, "-5"}, {"hello", "1+1"}, {"2/3", "2+3I"}}
>    ToExpression[data]  (* evaluates the cell contents *)
> Perhaps there's some way, using Dynamic, that one does not need to do
> things as I've just shown, so that TableView could in fact be used for
> interactive data input, under program control.
> Let's hope that WRI brings TableView into more public view and  
> enhances
> it in future releases.
> David Reiss wrote:
>> By the way, it is pretty easy to drill down in something like this to
>> fine new undocumented functions in interesting Contexts by using the
>> trick in my previous post as well as simple things like
>> Names["TableView `*"]
>> It seems like TableView is in a somewhat advanced state of
>> development.  And one could use it to create a pretty sophisticated
>> spreadsheet application with multiple sheets and so on.  With a  
>> parser
>> for Excel functions one could import Excel sheets with their
>> associated functionality...  (now, do I have time to do this?  No,
>> but...)
>> Here is an example of TableView's use for multiple sheets...
>> TabView[{40 ->
>>   TableView[40 IdentityMatrix[40], ContentSize -> {400, 300}],
>>  20 -> TableView[20 IdentityMatrix[20], ContentSize -> {400, 300}],
>>  10 -> TableView[10 IdentityMatrix[10], ContentSize -> {400, 300}]}]
>> Oct 8, 7:49 am, Guido Tripaldi <gu... at> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> today I typed by accident "TableView" instead of "TableForm"  
>>> writing a =
>>> notebook, so I discovered a function apparently not documented in
>>> Mathematica 7 / Mac version. "TableView" displays a list in a
>>> spreadsheet-like format.  I tried to search the DocumentationCenter
>>> without finding any information, neither Google nor Wolfram search
>>> engine gave better results. The only documentation I found was using
>>> the "Information -  (??)" command. It show the options that  
>>> TableView =
>>> accepts.
>>> It appears to be very useful, as it introduces a more flexible way  
>>> to
>>> observing the data. There are infact some data editing features
>>> accessible through a popup menu (a "+" icon on the top left of the
>>> view) and others ctrl-clicking the view (ctrl-click on Mac; right-
>>> click on Windows).
>>> Perhaps it is a new feature being finalized that will be included in
>>> next version. Someone maybe knows something more about this  
>>> function?
>>> In[1]:=  mylist = Table[ Subscript[a, i, j], {i, 5}, {j, 3}  ] =
>>> (*   a little matrix   *)
>>> In[2]:=  mylist // TableView     (*   show it as a small spread=
>> sheet
>>> *)
>>> In[3]:=  ?? TableView
>>>    System`TableView
>>>    Attributes[TableView] = {Protected, ReadProtected}
>>>    Options[TableView] := {Background -> None, BaseStyle -> {},
>>>       DefaultBaseStyle -> "TableView", DefaultLabelStyle ->
>>> "TableViewLabel",
>>>       FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.85], ContentSize -> Automatic, =
>>> ItemSize -> 10,
>>>       LabelStyle -> {}, RotateLabel -> False, Spacings -> Automa=
>> tic,
>>>       TableHeadings -> {Automatic, Automatic}}
>>> Guido
> -- 
> Murray Eisenberg                     murray at
> Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
> Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
> University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
> 710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
> Amherst, MA 01003-9305

Guido Tripaldi

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