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Re: JLink broken on Snow Leopard

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg104211] Re: JLink broken on Snow Leopard
  • From: Fred Klingener <gigabitbucket at>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 02:37:14 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <hbmnsh$jjv$>

On Oct 21, 6:30 am, keven <keven... at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have written an app that connects to Mathematica kernel via JLink.
> The app no longer worked after I upgraded to Snow Leopard.  Running
> the JLink SampleProgram returns following error:
> Fatal error: cannot find the required native library named
> JLinkNativeLibrary.


I've had persistent problems with Mathematica 7.0.1 since I installed
Snow Leopard, and they present in several ways that strongly suggest a
problem with Java.

1.) The simplest manifestation is seen by opening Mathematica,
clicking Mathematica > About Mathematica > System Information.

    a.) If my MacBook Pro is connected to the internet, the query
times out in two stages. First, "The kernel is not responding...",
then "One or more dynamic objects..."

    b.) If I disconnect from the internet, the System Information
panels appear correctly.

2.) The internet dependence is mirrored in entries from a MathKernel

     a.) Connected to the internet, I get

        In[1]:= <<Jlink`

       In[2]:= InstallJava[]
       Intentionally suppressing recursive invocation exception!
       java.lang.IllegalStateException: recursive invocation
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.initSystemClassLoader(
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(

     b.) Disconnected from the internet, I get

       In[4]:= <<JLink`

       In[5]:= InstallJava[]

      Out[5]= LinkObject['/Applications/
        nk/' -init\
        "/tmp/m00000119351", 1, 1]

     Executions of those two commands from the front end appear to
proceed successfully, independent of the state of the internet

3.) In attempting normal use of Mathematica, opening notebooks created
under Leopard often but not always leads to a hang ("not
responding...) that can be cleared only by Force Quit. Such notebooks
can often be successfully rebuilt with Import[filename.nb,
"NotebookObject"]. An attempt to load JLink User Guide, for example,
ends in Force Quit.

Changing the Mathematica mode between 32 and 64-bit has no detectable

I've been corresponding with Mathematica Service about this, but we
haven't been able to pinpoint the crux. Any new ideas here?

Mathematica 7.0.1
MacBook Pro 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo
OSX 10.6.1 (Snow Leopard)

Fred Klingener

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