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Re: Mathematica7 doesn't copy/paste metafile in vector format

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg104212] Re: Mathematica7 doesn't copy/paste metafile in vector format
  • From: Lawrence Teo <lawrenceteo at>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 02:37:26 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <hbots8$le9$>

Hi John,

Thanks for the suggestion.
While it is possible to export to bitmap with high enough resolution,
is there any other way for us to specify how we would want Mathematica
7 handle Metafile in vector or raster? After all, that is the main
reason we have the two options of Copy As > Metafile and Copy As >
Bitmap at the same time, I thought?

I have Mathematica 7 and Mathematica 5.2 on Windows Vista. I have to
revert back to Mathematica 5.2 when it comes to vector metafile.
What I can't fully understand is, why on the same Windows Vista,
Mathematica 5.2 doesn't have the problem of inability of supporting
high fidelity vector representation, as Mathematica 7 faces?


Yours faithfully,

On Oct 22, 2:25 pm, John Fultz <jfu... at> wrote:
> The basic problem is that the Windows and Enhanced metafile formats just =
> have enough features to support a high fidelity vector representation of =
> Mathematica outputs...for example, those containing color gradients or
> transparency.  We elected to rasterize the graphics in these cases figu=
ring that
> a high quality bitmap is better than a low quality vector image.  It is=
> imperfect solution for an imperfect world.
> I would suggest trying to export it as a bitmap with a high enough resolu=
> for your needs.
> Sincerely,
> John Fultz
> jfu... at
> User Interface Group
> Wolfram Research, Inc.
> On Wed, 21 Oct 2009 06:32:38 -0400 (EDT), Lawrence Teo wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I recently found that Mathematica 7 doesn't copy/paste metafile in
> > vector format anymore, as compared to Mathematica 5.2
> > Although I could still Copy As > Metafile in Mathematica 7, pasting it
> > into Office 2007 will result in rasterized bitmap image. Rasterized
> > bitmap image means low resolution and bad quality. Unacceptable to me.
> > It doesn't help even if I Export to EMF or WMF format. Inserting those
> > EMF/WMF files into Office 2007 still gives me the same rasterized
> > bitmap image.
> > I also realize that Mathematica could Copy As > Metafile in vector
> > format successfully for certain functions, but not for all functions.
> > For example, Plot2D[] seems to work. Plot3D[] and ContourPlot[] don't,
> > no matter how I try.
> > There is very little information online on this topic. I basically
> > just found 2 other similar cases. Does anyone have any solution and
> > workaround to this?
> > Thanks.

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