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Re: Mapping to a specific column or row in a matrix

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg103287] Re: Mapping to a specific column or row in a matrix
  • From: John Jowett <john.m.jowett at>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 08:01:44 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h7qem5$us$> <h8an76$h86$>

Here are a few other methods which work:

I'm not sure why this method works.  Perhaps someone can clarify?

mat = ConstantArray[1, {10, 5}];;
mat[[All, 3]] = mat[[All, 3]]/10;

In this method (which I use a lot), the rule depends on the structure
and its contents

mat = ConstantArray[1, {10, 5}];
mat = mat /. {a_, b_, x_Integer, c__} :> {a, b, x/10, c}

This method feels safe but I don't like it and it may be inefficient:

mat = ConstantArray[1, {10, 5}];
Do[mat = ReplacePart[mat, {k, 3} -> mat[[k, 3]]/10], {k, 1, 10}];

John Jowett

On Sep 10, 1:16 pm, dr DanW <dmaxwar... at> wrote:
> You are correct that you need a combination of Map and MapAt.
> Specifically, you need the position spec from MapAt with the level
> spec from Map.
> MapAtLevel[f_, expr_, n_, levelspec_: {1}] :=
>  Map[MapAt[f, #, n] &, expr, levelspec - 1]
> It looks like you did this, but called it clunky.  By creating a new
> function, it becomes much less clunky.  I often have to plot data from
> a list of {x,y} pairs, but I want to transform all the y values to
> decibel:
> dat = {{1, 200.}, {2, 250.}, {3, 300.}};
> In[30]:= MapAtLevel[20 Log[10, #] &, dat, 2, 2]
> Out[30]= {{1, 46.0206}, {2, 47.9588}, {3, 49.5424}}
> Daniel

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