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Re: Suggestions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111695] Re: Suggestions
  • From: Fred Klingener <gigabitbucket at>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 03:57:49 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <i3ogsk$p8a$>

On Aug 9, 5:13 am, "Carl K. Woll" <ca... at> wrote:
> On 8/8/2010 6:22 AM, Fred Klingener wrote:
> > I'd love to figure out how to make Hyphenation use hyphens. There used
> > to be options to set this, but AFAICT they went away, I don't know
> > when. If they are still there, I can't find them in the docs and can't
> > find them with exhaustive trial.
> Here's an example that turns on hyphenation:
> TextCell[ExampleData[{"Text", "USConstitution"}],
>   TextJustification -> 1, Hyphenation -> True,
>   HyphenationOptions -> {"HyphenationCharacter" -> "\[Hyphen]"}]


Thanks for the example. I'll lead with the good news that that works.
But then I have to list some associated problems:

On my system (Mac Intel Core Duo, OSX 10.6.4, Mathematica

1.) The doc center returns nothing for 'HyphenationOptions'

2.) Options[TextCell]//TableForm gets me a list that doesn't include

3.) Options[TextCell, HyphenationOptions] gets me a 'Options::optnf:
HyphenationOptions is not a known option for TextCell. >>'

4.) Copying and pasting your example gets me a cell with the
'HyphenationOptions' redded out, reflecting my System preferences for
non-conforming syntax . Oddly, the 'HyphenationOptions' in item 3.)
above is properly black.

5.) Executing the cell gets what appears to be a properly justified,
hyphenated-with-hyphens document.
So even if I had been able to remember or dig up the old form, I
probably wouldn't have even tried to execute the redded-out line, such
is my faith in Wolfram and Mathematica.

It can't be called a 'bug' if the system successfully performs a task
it doesn't promise to do, but maybe it's a problem that could be

Fred Klingener

> > indentation, justification, hyphenation, etc. when I'm led by other
> > considerations to nest Styles, TextCells, Panes or Panels and other
> > elements. A lot of the inheritance rules I imagine would apply don't.
> > I'd love to see a more tolerant Google-like doc search facility.
> > Thanks for listening,
> > Fred Klingener

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