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Re: 2 issues with Mathematica-data handling

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg111889] Re: 2 issues with Mathematica-data handling
  • From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 01:21:29 -0400 (EDT)

1) More information is needed on the exact nature of the plot you want. And
perhaps some sample data to work with (in the form of a list that we can
paste into a notebook).

If we have a data point {x,y} with an error e in the y value then the error
limits will be y-e and y+e. But when you do a log transformation the limit
points will no longer be evenly spaced about the Log[y]. How do you want
this handled?

Do you want a Log scale? On just the y axis?

2) Mathematica maintains about 16 place precision but only normally displays
6 places. You can display more places by using NumberForm. Calculations and
plotting will automatically use the full precision. (I don't have much
experience with Importing data and so I don't know if something happens
there, but I doubt that it would truncate your numbers.)

David Park
djmpark at  

From: Debasish Banerjee [mailto:deb.ban.10 at] 


I am currently having two problems with Numerical Data handling with
Mathematica. I would appreciate any help in this regard.

1. I import a set of data along with the error-bars in Mathematica from a
data-file. I can use ErrorListPlot to plot the
data along with error-bars. But how do I plot the data with errors on a
log-scale? I can, of course, calculate log and then plot, but is there an
automatic command to do this? I couldn't find it on Help.

2. I have data points with, say 14 significant digits, after the decimal.
But when I import this in Mathematica, this automatically truncates this to
about 6 or 7 digits. How do I get around this?

Thanks in advance,

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