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Displaying Equations Symbolically and Numerically

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg114746] Displaying Equations Symbolically and Numerically
  • From: Gregory Lypny <gregory.lypny at>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 07:51:43 -0500 (EST)

Hello everyone,

I would like to be able to display equations for my students in symbolic 
form on the left side and with the numbers plugged in on the right side 
but am not quite sure how to do it programmatically.  Suppose my 
equation in "symbolic" form is

	sqrt(x^(a+b)) + c ln(d/e)

I know I can make it look like real math by having it displayed as 
TraditionalForm.  However, I also want to display the solution with 
particular values for the variable x and the parameters a, b, c, d, and 
e slotted in, something like

	sqrt(x^(a+b)) + c ln(d/e) = sqrt(9^(2+1)) + 4 ln(32/8) = answer

to recognize that some students may be a little rusty at simplifying on 
the fly.   Wrapping the whole package in Manipulate would put the icing 
on the cake.

Any tips on how apply the appropriate styles would be most appreciated.



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