Re: A modified StyleSheet results in FontSize fluctuations in the pdf
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg110672] Re: A modified StyleSheet results in FontSize fluctuations in the pdf
- From: Larry Adelston <larrya at>
- Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 08:28:31 -0400 (EDT)
Dear Alexei, I've filed a bug report with regard your FontSize issue in the JournalArticle stylesheet. It will be fixed in version 8. In the meantime you can try the following workaround: 1. Copy/Paste the following notebook expression into Mathematica: Notebook[{Cell[ StyleData[ StyleDefinitions -> FrontEnd`FileName[{"Article"}, "JournalArticle.nb", CharacterEncoding -> "UTF-8"]]], Cell[CellGroupData[{Cell["Environment Styles", "Section"], Cell[StyleData[All, "Printout"], Magnification -> 1.]}, Open]], Cell[CellGroupData[{Cell["Styles for Input and Output Cells", "Section"], Cell[ CellGroupData[{Cell[StyleData["Input"]], Cell[StyleData["Input", "Printout"], FontSize -> 10]}, Open]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{Cell[StyleData["InputOnly"]], Cell[StyleData["InputOnly", "Printout"], FontSize -> 10]}, Open]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{Cell[StyleData["Code"]], Cell[StyleData["Code", "Printout"], FontSize -> 10]}, Open]], Cell[ CellGroupData[{Cell[StyleData["Output"]], Cell[StyleData["Output", "Printout"], FontSize -> 10]}, Open]]}, Open]]}, WindowSize -> {640, 722}, WindowMargins -> {{256, Automatic}, {Automatic, 50}}, FrontEndVersion -> "7.0 for Mac OS X PowerPC (32-bit) (February 18, 2009)", StyleDefinitions -> "PrivateStylesheetFormatting.nb"] 2. A dialog box will open asking if you want to interpret the text. Click Yes. 3. A new stylesheet will appear. This is the stylesheet you will use in place of JournalArticle. The new stylesheet refers to JournalArticle, however. So I in order for the new stylesheet to work correctly, your JournalArticle stylesheet should be unmodified. 4. Save the new stylesheet by either of the following 2 methods: method 1: a. Click "Install Stylesheet ..." which is a button that appears at the top of the new stylesheet b. In the Install dialog: * set Type to Stylesheet, * set Source to the name that appears on the stylesheets title bar (e.g., Untitled-2) * for Install Name type JournalArticleAlt * for Default Installation Directory choose Your user Mathematica base directory * finally, click Finish twice. Note, Finish will appear grayed out before your first click. It is still clickable. method 2 (saving the stylesheet file): a. To determine the correct location in which to save the stylesheet, open a new notebook and evaluate: FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "SystemFiles", "FrontEnd", "StyleSheets"}] b. Save the file by choosing File > Save c. In the Save dialog box: * type the name of the stylesheet file: JournalArticleAlt.nb * select the directory location that was determined from your evaluation. * click the Save button d. Restart Mathematica 5. You can apply the new stylesheet called "JournalArticleAlt" by choosing Format > Stylesheet > JournalArticleAlt. Note, if JournalArticleAlt is not an available selection, try restarting Mathematica. Yours, Larry On Jun 30, 2010, at 7:05 AM, Alexei Boulbitch wrote: > Dear Community, > > I need to write documents and spread them in the pdf format, while I > would like to keep them for myself as the Mathematica notebooks > containing all calculations and codes. For this purposes I like the > JournalArticle format that meets all my requirements, except for the > problem that the fonts there are too small. If you save such an > article > as a pdf, and then print it, you cannot read the text, since the > letters > size is much too small to see them with the bare eye. For this > reason I > often get objections, since if I cannot provide an easily readable > document, I should use MS Word instead. > > To solve this I slightly modified the JourmalArticle format, by simply > increasing the FontSize of the Text to 16 pts, and also some other > FontSizes correspondingly. I also did few other minor changes, like a > change of the Font of Formula. > > Now comes the problem and my question: > > 1. When I now produced the notebook using this new style and transform > it into pdf, most of the chapters have the FontSize 16 as expected, > but > few others - 14 pts. This is not wanted. When I check in the original > notebook, the FontSize is 16 in the chapter that as shown in 16 pts as > well as in that shown in 14 pts. > > 2. When I check the FontSize of various chapters in the notebook, some > of them are 16, but some others are 14 pts. The strange thing here is > that they > a) visually have the same size of the letters in the notebook (but you > see different figures when going to Menu/Format/FontSize), and > b) may be shown in equal size in pdf, while some of those that have > the > "legitimate" FontSize 16 in the notebook may appear smaller in pdf, > as I > already reported. > > Do you have any idea, what is it, and what to do? > I can send the notebooks with the style and the article, if any of you > finds it helpful. > > Regards, Alexei > > -- > Alexei Boulbitch, Dr. habil. > Senior Scientist > Material Development > > IEE S.A. > ZAE Weiergewan > 11, rue Edmond Reuter > L-5326 CONTERN > Luxembourg > > Tel: +352 2454 2566 > Fax: +352 2454 3566 > Mobile: +49 (0) 151 52 40 66 44 > > e-mail: alexei.boulbitch at > > > > -- > > This e-mail may contain trade secrets or privileged, undisclosed or > otherwise confidential information. If you are not the intended > recipient and have received this e-mail in error, you are hereby > notified that any review, copying or distribution of it is strictly > prohibited. Please inform us immediately and destroy the original > transmittal from your system. Thank you for your co-operation. >