Re: Export to .xlsx or .ods ?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg110635] Re: Export to .xlsx or .ods ?
- From: telefunkenvf14 <rgorka at>
- Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 08:40:14 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i0cjju$885$>
On Jun 29, 5:58 am, Thomas Melehan <tpmele... at> wrote: > Trying to export a file that has too many columns for .xls (but not too many for .xlsx or .ods). > > Mathematica is not recognizing Export file format .xlsx or .ods. > > Any help? I've read that .xlsx is based on XML... so I generated a new test.xlsx file to play with, containing: 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 In[1]:= Import["C:\Users\x61Tablet\Desktop\\test.xlsx", "Elements"] Out[1]= {"FileNames"} In[2]:= Import["C:\Users\x61Tablet\Desktop\\test.xlsx", "FileNames"] Out[2]= {"[Content_Types].xml", "_rels\\.rels", \ "xl\\_rels\\workbook.xml.rels", "xl\\workbook.xml", "xl\\styles.xml", \ "xl\\theme\\theme1.xml", "xl\\worksheets\\sheet1.xml", \ "docProps\\core.xml", "docProps\\app.xml"} And now for the XML mess... In[3]:= Import["C:\Users\x61Tablet\Desktop\\test.xlsx", {"FileNames", "xl\\worksheets\\sheet1.xml"}] Out[3]= XMLObject[ "Document"][{XMLObject["Declaration"]["Version" -> "1.0", "Encoding" -> "UTF-8", "Standalone" -> "yes"]}, XMLElement[ "worksheet", {{"", "xmlns"} -> "", \ {"", "r"} -> "\ relationships", {"", "mc"} -> "", \ {"", "Ignorable"} -> "x14ac", {"", "x14ac"} -> ""}, \ {XMLElement["dimension", {"ref" -> "A1:C3"}, {}], XMLElement[ "sheetViews", {}, {XMLElement[ "sheetView", {"tabSelected" -> "1", "workbookViewId" -> "0"}, {XMLElement[ "selection", {"activeCell" -> "C4", "sqref" -> "C4"}, {}]}]}], XMLElement[ "sheetFormatPr", {"defaultRowHeight" -> "12.75", \ {"", "dyDescent"} -> "0.2"}, {}], XMLElement[ "sheetData", {}, {XMLElement[ "row", {"r" -> "1", "spans" -> "1:3", {"\ 2009/9/ac", "dyDescent"} -> "0.2"}, {XMLElement[ "c", {"r" -> "A1"}, {XMLElement["v", {}, {"1"}]}], XMLElement["c", {"r" -> "B1"}, {XMLElement["v", {}, {"4"}]}], XMLElement["c", {"r" -> "C1"}, {XMLElement["v", {}, {"7"}]}]}], XMLElement[ "row", {"r" -> "2", "spans" -> "1:3", {"\ 2009/9/ac", "dyDescent"} -> "0.2"}, {XMLElement[ "c", {"r" -> "A2"}, {XMLElement["v", {}, {"2"}]}], XMLElement["c", {"r" -> "B2"}, {XMLElement["v", {}, {"5"}]}], XMLElement["c", {"r" -> "C2"}, {XMLElement["v", {}, {"8"}]}]}], XMLElement[ "row", {"r" -> "3", "spans" -> "1:3", {"\ 2009/9/ac", "dyDescent"} -> "0.2"}, {XMLElement[ "c", {"r" -> "A3"}, {XMLElement["v", {}, {"3"}]}], XMLElement["c", {"r" -> "B3"}, {XMLElement["v", {}, {"6"}]}], XMLElement[ "c", {"r" -> "C3"}, {XMLElement["v", {}, {"9"}]}]}]}], XMLElement[ "pageMargins", {"left" -> "0.7", "right" -> "0.7", "top" -> "0.75", "bottom" -> "0.75", "header" -> "0.3", "footer" -> "0.3"}, {}]}], {}] I have a hunch that XML can do what you want. (Although I don't have personal experience with exporting XML from Mathematica, only importing and hacking for what I want.) And it looks like Excel 2010 is capable of opening plain XML, so then you can save in whatever format you want. Dunno if Excel 2007 has the same features or not. I'm pretty sure other file formats, such as .csv, will have similar 'width' limitations. Couldn't you just export half of the columns at a time? -RG