F Mathematica crashes
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg112962] F Mathematica crashes
- From: ABHIJIT BHATTACHARYYA <b_abhijit2k at yahoo.co.in>
- Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 03:39:40 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i8h7oe$cia$1@smc.vnet.net>
Hi! thanks a lot for the kind reply. Here I am pasting code part. I like to dynamical plot in 3D ex..ez and hx..hz. Regs Abhijit Clear["Global`*"] (************************************************************************** Fundamental constants **************************************************************************) c0 = 2.99792458*10^8; (* m/s speed of light in vacuum *) mu0 = 4.0*Pi*1.0*10^(-7)//N; (* H/m permeability of free space *) epsa0 = 1.0/(c0*c0*mu0); (* F/m permittivity of free space *) freq = 1.0*10^9; (* Hz frequency of the source excitation *) lambda = c0/freq; (* m wavelength of the source excitation *) omega = 2.0*Pi*freq//N; (* w = 2 * pi * f *) (************************************************************************************************) (************************************************************************************************ Grid parameters ************************************************************************************************) nx = 50; (* number of grid cells in x-direction *) ny = 24; (* y *) nz = 10; (* z *) nx1 = (nx+1); ny1 = (ny+1); nz1 = (nz+1); sx = 26; (* X of z-directed current source *) sy = 13; (* Y of z-directed current source *) kobs = 5; dx = 0.002; (* space resolution ~ 2 mm *) dt = dx/(2.0*c0)//N; (* time step *) omegadt = omega*dt//N; tstepmax = 50; (* total number of time steps *) (************************************************************************************************) (************************************************************************************************ Differentiated Gaussian Pulse Excitation ************************************************************************************************) rtau = 50.0*10^(-12); tau = rtau/dt//N; timedelay = 3.0*tau; srcconst = dt*3.0*10^11; (***********************************************************************************************) (************************************************************************************************ Material parameters ************************************************************************************************) epsar = 1.0; sigma = 0.0; (************************************************************************************************) (************************************************************************************************ updating coefficients for space region with non-permeable media ************************************************************************************************) scourant = c0 * dt / dx; ca = (1.0-(dt*sigma)/(2.0*epsa0*epsar))/(1.0+(dt*sigma)/(2.0*epsa0*epsar)); cb = (scourant*dt/(epsa0*epsar*dx))/(1.0+(dt*sigma)/(2.0*epsa0*epsar)); (* cbx, cby, cbz are same as dx=dy=dz == dx *) da = 1.0; (* rho (i,j,k) == 0 *) db = dt/(mu0*dx)//N; (* rho (i,j,k) == 0 *) (************************************************************************************************) (************************************************************************************************ Field array and initialization ************************************************************************************************) ex = Array[0.0 # &, {nx, ny1, nz1}]; ey = Array[0.0 # &, {nx1, ny, nz1}]; ez = Array[0.0 # &, {nx1, ny1, nz}]; hx = Array[0.0 # &, {nx1, ny, nz}]; hy = Array[0.0 # &, {nx, ny1, nz}]; hz = Array[0.0 # &, {nx, ny, nz1}]; (************************************************************************************************) (************************************************************************************************ start the time-stepping loop ************************************************************************************************) (* For[time=1, time <= tstepmax, time++,{ *) Manipulate[ (************** UPDATE ELECTRIC FIELD ***********************************) Do[ex[[i,j,k]] = ca*ex[[i,j,k]] + cb*(hz[[i,j,k]]-hz[[i,j-1,k]]+hy[[i,j,k-1]]-hy[[i,j,k]]), {i,1,nx},{j,2,ny},{k,2,nz}]; Do[ey[[i,j,k]] = ca*ey[[i,j,k]] + cb*(hx[[i,j,k]]-hx[[i,j,k-1]]+hz[[i-1,j,k]]-hz[[i,j,k]]), {i,2,nx},{j,1,ny},{k,2,nz}]; Do[ez[[i,j,k]] = ca*ez[[i,j,k]] + cb*(hx[[i,j-1,k]]-hx[[i,j,k]]+hy[[i,j,k]]-hy[[i-1,j,k]]), {i,2,nx},{j,2,ny},{k,1,{k,1,nz}]; Do[ez[[sx,sy,k]] = ez[[sx,sy,k]] + srcconst*(time - timedelay)*Exp[-(time-timedelay)^2/tau^2], {k,1,nz}]; (************** UPDATE MAGNETIC FIELD ***********************************) Do[hx[[i,j,k]] = hx[[i,j,k]] + db*(ey[[i,j,k+1]]-ey[[i,j,k]]+ez[[i,j,k]]-ez[[i,j+1,k]]), {i,2,nx},{j,1,ny},{k,1,nz}]; Do[hy[[i,j,k]] = hy[[i,j,k]] + db*(ex[[i,j,k]]-ex[[i,j,k+1]]+ez[[i+1,j,k]]-ez[[i,j,k]]), {i,1,nx},{j,2,ny},{k,1,nz}]; Do[hz[[i,j,k]] = hz[[i,j,k]] + db*(ex[[i,j+1,k]]-ex[[i,j,k]]+ey[[i,j,k]]-ey[[i+1,j,k]]), {i,1,nx},{j,1,ny},{k,2,nz}]; (************** VISUALIZE THE FIELDS ************************************) Show[ListPlot3D[ex, Mesh->None]], {time,1,tstepmax} (* Show[ListPlot3D[ex, Mesh->None], ListPlot3D[hx, Mesh->None]], {time,1,tstepmax} *) ] ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: "Rolf.Mertig at gmail.com" <rolf.mertig at gmail.com> To: ABHIJIT BHATTACHARYYA <b_abhijit2k at yahoo.co.in> Sent: Wed, 6 October, 2010 1:59:49 PM Subject: [mg112962] Re: Mathematica crashes Dear Dr. Bhattacharyya, send me your calculation, then I can analyze what is going on. Rolf Mertig On Oct 6, 9:16 am, ABHIJIT BHATTACHARYYA <b_abhiji... at yahoo.co.in> wrote: > Hi! > > I am computing six 3D matrices in a time loop. Now each matrices are of > dimension [50,50,50]. I find that during computation, my X-session > crashes and I am taken to the login screen. > > I am using OpenSUSE 11.3 OS in Dell Studio XPS laptop with i7 CPU and 4 > GB RAM. I find that cache memory used is 0MB.For other computation, this > does not occur which may indicate that memory shortage might be the root > cause. > > Does not Mathematica use the cache memory as workaround? How can I avoid > such problem? > > Thanks for your kind help. > > Best > > Abhijit Bhattacharyya