Re: Finding an exponent?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112360] Re: Finding an exponent?
- From: Peter Breitfeld <phbrf at>
- Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 06:25:15 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i6crg4$sak$>
AES wrote: > Given Exp[ expr ] where expr is some complex expression in Standard > form, how can I get expr itself in an Input cell? (Preferably > unevaluated, and other than using manual Copy and Paste). > > Log[Exp[expr]] doesn't seem to do it. > You have several possibilities: bla=Exp[(1 + a/b) (c + d^2) - 7] Log[bla]//PowerExpand bla[[2]] bla/.Power[E,x__]:>x -- _________________________________________________________________ Peter Breitfeld, Bad Saulgau, Germany --