Re: Calendar Recipe?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg112649] Re: Calendar Recipe?
- From: dr DanW <dmaxwarren at>
- Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 04:11:20 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <i7f2mv$ctt$>
This isn't quite what you are looking for, but the techniques you need are here. I think you can extend the MonthMatrix function into a QuarterMatrix function with a few simple changes. This is code I wrote to create a Dynamic control for choosing dates out of a calendar, similar to a JavaScript or ActiveX control you would see on a travel web site: WeekDayNumber[d_] := DateString[d, "DayNameShort"] /. {"Sun" -> 1, "Mon" -> 2, "Tue" -> 3, "Wed" -> 4, "Thu" -> 5, "Fri" - > 6, "Sat" -> 7} QuarterStartMonth[d_] := DateString[d, "Quarter"] /. {"1" -> 1, "2" -> 4, "3" -> 7, "4" -> 10} DateSameQ[d1_, d2_] := d1[[1 ;; 3]] === d2[[1 ;; 3]] FirstDayOf[d_, "Week"] := DatePlus[d, {1 - WeekDayNumber[d], "Day"}]; FirstDayOf[d_, "Month"] := DateList[d[[1 ;; 2]]]; FirstDayOf[d_, "Quarter"] := DateList[{d[[1]], QuarterStartMonth[d]}]; FirstDayOf[d_, "Year"] := DateList[d[[{1}]]]; MonthMatrix[d_] := Partition[(DatePlus[FirstDayOf[FirstDayOf[d, "Month"], "Week"], {#1, "Day"}] & ) /@ (Range[1, 6*7] - 1), 7] Attributes[CalendarControl] = HoldFirst; CalendarControl[date_, init_:DateList[]] := (date = DateList[init[[1 ;; 3]]]; Dynamic[Panel[Grid[Join[{{Button[Style["\[FirstPage]", Large], If[DateSameQ[date, FirstDayOf[date, "Quarter"]], date = DatePlus[date, {-3, "Month"}], date = FirstDayOf[date, "Quarter"]], Appearance -> "None"], Button[Style["\[LeftPointer]", Large], date = DatePlus[date, {-1, "Month"}], Appearance -> "None"], Dynamic[DateString[date, {"MonthNameShort", " ", "Year"}]], \ [SpanFromLeft], \[SpanFromLeft], Button[Style["\[RightPointer]", Large], date = DatePlus[date, {1, "Month"}], Appearance -> "None"], Button[Style["\[LastPage]", Large], If[DateSameQ[date, FirstDayOf[date, "Quarter"]], date = DatePlus[date, {3, "Month"}], date = DatePlus[FirstDayOf[date, "Quarter"], {3, "Month"}]], Appearance -> "None"]}}, {{"S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"}}, Map[Button[If[#1[[2]] === date[[2]], Style[#1[[3]]], Style[#1[[3]], Opacity[0.3]]], date = #1, Appearance -> "None", If[#1[[1 ;; 3]] === date[[1 ;; 3]], Background -> ColorData["Legacy"][ "PaleGreen"], Background -> Automatic], BaseStyle -> {FontSize -> 10}] & , MonthMatrix[date], {2}]], Dividers -> {None, {3 -> True}}]]]) CalendarControl[sd] Dynamic[DateString[sd]] Enjoy. Daniel