Virtual Memory Problem
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg116497] Virtual Memory Problem
- From: "Fitzpatrick, Shannon" <Shannon.Fitzpatrick at>
- Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 05:18:20 -0500 (EST)
Hi, I have this notebook that attempts to obtain symbolic solution to a complex quadratic equation. When I run it for a long time I get a message that windows virtual memory is low from Windows and a MemoryAllocationError from Mathematica. What can I do solve this equation. ClearAll["Global`*"] A = -150; B= 150; r=.03; tol = 0.1; incr = .1; textFile = "isoDoppler"; numPlots = 6; a= Table[StringJoin[textFile,ToString[k],".txt"],{k,1,numPlots}]; GenerateIsoDoppler[A_,B_,r_,tol_,incr_,fileName_] :=Module[{},eq =r == y/ +(x-A)/ + y / + y/ + (x-B)/ - y/; roots = Solve[eq,y];myroots y/.roots;fname=FileNameJoin[{$TemporaryDirectory,fileName}];s=OpenWrite[ fname];For[x= (A+ tol),x <= (B-tol),x=x+ incr, For[i=1,i<= 4,i=i+1,Write[s,{N[myroots[[i]]],x}]]]; Close[s];]; For[n=1,n<=numPlots,n=n+1, GenerateIsoDoppler[A,B,r 5 n,tol,incr,a[[n]]];Clear[y,x];Print[N[r 5 n]]] Thanks, Shannon