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Plotting constant field lines

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg116795] Plotting constant field lines
  • From: HonestMath <honestmath at>
  • Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 05:01:20 -0500 (EST)


I have 2 questions related to an equation for a magnetic field vector,
B, from a dipole in cylindrical coordinates:

B = (u0*m/4*Pi*r^3)* {2 Cos[theta] , Sin[theta]}

where the first index is the r component and the second is the theta

First, how do I use VectorPlot to plot this in cylindrical

Second, without using any higher end built in Mathematica functions,
How do I get Mathematica to plot field lines of constant Magnetic
field strength?  I'm using PolarPlot, but coming up short.

I am attempting to recreate the field lines as shown on page 3 in:

I am using Mathematica to formulate this, but will eventually have to
transfer it, so will not have access to all the built in Mathematica



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