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Re: A GUI Builder for Mathematica, or best existing solution..

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg119993] Re: A GUI Builder for Mathematica, or best existing solution..
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 06:45:18 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <iup8fn$kt4$>

On 03/07/2011 09:15, W M wrote:
> I would like to construct reasonably complex GUIs using Mathematica
> functionality and would like to do so using a visual WYSIWYG editor
> for some portions (a GUI for GUIs). I have in mind something like the
> visual editor present in NetBeans or for C# in Visual Studio. I have
> no problem writing the more intricate parts of the code myself, but
> would like to avoid writing lower-level details such as 'text label
> goes here, with width X and length Y', etc.
> I suppose I could write GUI code in NetBeans and paste this into
> Mathematica, but I am hoping that there is a more elegant solution
> available.
> Thank you very much.

If you are building a really complex GUI, it may be best to create it in 
Java and link to that from Mathematica using J/Link. One advantage of 
this approach, is that you do end up with an industry standard GUI, 
which can be important if it is to be used by non-Mathematica users.

My Super Widget Package makes it easy to create a Java GUI from 
Mathematica (available free from my website), using (hopefully 
reasonably elegant) Mathematica code, but there is no building tool - 
ultimately, I suppose, because I am not very keen on using a GUI to program!

BTW, you certainly could not (usefully) paste NetBeans code into 

David Bailey

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