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Piecewise bug in Mathematica 8.01?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123111] Piecewise bug in Mathematica 8.01?
  • From: Dario <dariopassos at>
  • Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 07:09:11 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:

Hello everyone

I'm currently simulating some turbulent processes that incorporate a
large number of random steps.
I used Mathematica's 8.01 Piecewise to produce a function that has
different (random) values at different times. This function is then
used to calculate some differential equations.
Through some debugging I figured out that there is something wrong
with Mathematica's Piecewise when a large number of intervals is used.
Here is the isolated piece of code that I use to generate the random
values function.

list3 = {};
list4 = {};
j = 0;
Maxt = 40000;
dt = 1;
list3 = Table[RandomReal[{0.01, 0.03}], {i, 0, Maxt, dt}];
list4 = Table[j < t <= j + dt, {j, 0, Maxt, dt}];
anoise = Thread[{list3, list4}];
a = Piecewise[anoise];
Plot[a, {t, 0, Maxt}]

The problem I detected has to do with the number of intervals that
Piecewise uses, in this specific case is defined by Maxt.
If Maxt is bigger then 45000 then Mathematica crashes and all values
in memory are lost.
I've tried this in different PCs with different OS (Windows 7 and
Linux) and the same thing happens.
I've also tried to play around with $MaxPiecewiseCases but still no
Does someone has any idea what might be causing this?

Best Regards
D=E1rio Passos

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