Re: Simple fractal
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg121812] Re: Simple fractal
- From: Patrick Scheibe <pscheibe at>
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 04:23:21 -0400 (EDT)
- Delivered-to:
- References: <>
Hi, not the fastest/cleverest/best solution but hopefully an understandable one: First a function which takes a starting point and a scale and creates an arbitrary *Triangle* object which contains the vertex points and the scaling factor: MakeTriangle[pos0_, scale_] := Triangle[Table[ pos0 + scale {Cos[i*120*Degree], Sin[i*120*Degree]}, {i, 1, 3}], scale]; Second a function which executes exactly one recursion step. It takes a triangle and gives the three new triangles which are one recursion depth deeper: TriangleRecursionStep[Triangle[points_, scale_]] := Function[MakeTriangle[#, scale]] /@ points Third you make a recursion which starts with an initial triangle and a wanted recursion depth. Note how the nested resulting list of triangles is build implicitely after all recursions are done. TriangleRecursion[triangle_, 0] := triangle; TriangleRecursion[tri_Triangle, depth_Integer /; depth > 0] := {tri, TriangleRecursion[#, depth - 1] & /@ TriangleRecursionStep[tri]} To display the result you can easily replace a Triangle[...] object by some graphical representation of your personal liking: Graphics[{TriangleRecursion[MakeTriangle[{0, 0}, 0.5], 5] /. Triangle[ points_, _] :> {With[{col = ColorData["DarkBands", RandomReal[]]}, {EdgeForm[{Opacity[1], Thin, Dashed, col}], FaceForm[{Opacity[0.1], col}], Polygon[points]}]}}] Cheers Patrick Easy to copy full code: MakeTriangle[pos0_, scale_] := Triangle[ Table[pos0 + scale*{Cos[i*120*Degree], Sin[i*120*Degree]}, {i, 1, 3}], scale]; TriangleRecursionStep[Triangle[points_, scale_]] := (MakeTriangle[#1, scale] & ) /@ points; TriangleRecursion[triangle_, 0] := triangle; TriangleRecursion[tri_Triangle, depth_Integer /; depth > 0] := {tri, (TriangleRecursion[#1, depth - 1] & ) /@ TriangleRecursionStep[ tri]}; Graphics[{TriangleRecursion[MakeTriangle[{0, 0}, 0.5], 5] /. Triangle[points_, _] :> {With[{col = ColorData["DarkBands", RandomReal[]]}, {EdgeForm[{Opacity[1], Thin, Dashed, col}], FaceForm[{Opacity[0.1], col}], Polygon[points]}]}}] On Sun, 2011-10-02 at 02:36 -0400, Tom De Vries wrote: > I am trying to create a very simple fractal, but I am not having any success. > > I'd like to learn how to do this recursively, and hoping someone can > give me a bit of a push in the right direction. > > It's a simple triangle with triangles at each corner, with triangles > at each corner, etc. > > Below, a simple "level 1" graphic. > > scale = 0.5; > > list1 = Table[{0, 0} + {Cos[i*120*Degree], Sin[i*120*Degree]}, {i, 1, > sides + 1}]; > > list2 = (Table[#1 + scale*{Cos[i*120*Degree], Sin[i*120*Degree]}, {i, > 1, sides + 1}] & ) /@ list1; > > Graphics[{Line[list1], Line[list2]}] > > > Ideally I'd like to have a Manipulate with a slider for the level of > the fractal, the scale applied to each level, and the distance each > corner triangle is from the centre triangle. > > Sorry, I know this is simple programming, but I don't have any ideas > how to start. > > Tom De Vries >
- References:
- Simple fractal
- From: Tom De Vries <>
- Simple fractal