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Re: Mathematica Beginner/Student and Mysql

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg122477] Re: Mathematica Beginner/Student and Mysql
  • From: "McHale, Paul" <Paul.McHale at>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 07:13:45 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <>

Here is what I do...

(* I check to see if it is open before I try *)
OpenSQLConnection["Mrp", "Username"->"mrpadmin", "Password"->"1734admin"]]

(* define the sql string *)
str1="SELECT SerialNumber,  DateTime, OptionName, IndexNumber, Text, Scenario
WHERE (Text='Passed') AND (IndexNumber=22) AND (Scenario LIKE'Acceptance%')
ORDER BY IndexNumber";

(* execute the sql string *)

Some notes:
1. If you use GUID, you must create a view which replaces them with some other type.  Mathematica freaks out on GUIDs.
2. You must go into Start Menu -> All Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources ODBC

Make sure you add a connection to your database.  I seem to remember a catch22.  You must be able to  select the database in menu when you type only:


If it is not there, the driver is not configured properly.  Use the System DNS tab in windows to configure it (in above path).

If you try to view a relational database with their previous viewer you would get an erroneous error due to GUID.  I think this avoidable.  You must call the named database directly.  You must call a view that resolves GUID.

Paul McHale  |  Electrical Engineer, Energetics Systems  |  Excelitas Technologies Corp.

Phone:   +1 937.865.3004   |   Fax:  +1 937.865.5170   |   Mobile:   +1 937.371.2828
1100 Vanguard Blvd, Miamisburg, Ohio 45342-0312 USA
Paul.McHale at

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-----Original Message-----
From: ejules [mailto:weberejules at]
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:36 AM
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg122477] Matematica Beginner/Student and Mysql

Hello Everybody.. I hope this is the right place to post...

I'm student and currently trying to connect a mysql database running
locally on localhost, including the database
Testdatabase with table Testtable.
I try now to connect with Mathematica:

 JDBC["MySQL(Connector/J)", "localhost:3306/testdatabase"],
 "Name" -> "TestDB", "Username" -> "root", "Password" -> ""]
conn1 = OpensqlConnection["TestDB"]

Unfortunately my Ouptut is only a echo of what i wrote but not the
result i'm looking for
afterwards i would like to send standard sql queries to retrieve
Anyone could help me? Step by step? I never used Mathematica before,
but as my datasets are pretty large and manipulating data in tables is
very convienient, i would really appreciate any help..

Thank you! ejules

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