Re: Print out an Expression Letter by Letter on the same line
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg126221] Re: Print out an Expression Letter by Letter on the same line
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr357 at>
- Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 05:25:07 -0400 (EDT)
- Delivered-to:
- References: <>
This hasn't been tested much but may be a start. SetAttributes[slowPrint, HoldFirst]; slowPrint[expr_] := Module[ {k, len, in = ToString[expr], nb = EvaluationNotebook[]}, len = StringLength[in]; k = 0; While[k++ < len, Pause[1/10]; NotebookWrite[nb, StringTake[in, k]]; SelectionMove[nb, All, Cell]]] f[x] == Sin[x] // slowPrint Bob Hanlon On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 12:34 AM, Physics is Everything....Almost <fizzycist at> wrote: > > I taught a course using Mathematica.....the problem I encountered with that was everything was all set to go, i.e. printed out completely..... and may have given the Students too much information all at once.... > I notice there is a Difference in watching an Instructor write an Expression on the Black board Letter by Letter....the mind has a chance to acclimate to what he is writing, etc.... > Hence, I wondered is there a way that I could get Mathematica to do that for me....example, Print out f[x] = Sin[x].....and be able to vary the Pause between letters until I find what is Optimum.... > I looked up Pause and Print , etc....with no Luck on how to put it on the same line....any suggestions? > thanks....Jerry Blimbaum >
- References:
- Print out an Expression Letter by Letter on the same line
- From: "Physics is Everything....Almost" <>
- Print out an Expression Letter by Letter on the same line