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Re: how turn off camera after using CurrentImage?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg123984] Re: how turn off camera after using CurrentImage?
  • From: Murray Eisenberg <murray at>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 05:00:43 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <jdul5s$jnf$> <11470504.517.1325597866008.JavaMail.geo-discussion-forums@yqlp13>
  • Reply-to: murray at

OK, ImageCapture[] works just fine. Thanks!

So does the undocumented IMAQ`StopCamera[]. But surely such a utility 
should be available as an ordinary function -- and documented.

I find no Camera* functions documented, and evaluating CameraOff[] just 
returns the input expression.

On 1/3/12 8:37 AM, Szabolcs wrote:
> On Tuesday, 3 January 2012 11:27:08 UTC+1, Murray Eisenberg  wrote:
>> On an iMac under OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard), in Mathematica 8.0.4, I
>> evaluated CurrentImage[]. That automatically turned on the built-in
>> "FaceTime HD" camera.
>> Is there some programmatic way from within Mathematica to turn the
>> camera off?
>> And if not -- OT: is there some simple way to do this in OS X? (Other
>> than open and then quit the FaceTime app.)
> Try ImageCapture[].  It has a control panel with an off button.
> I think CurrentImage[] keeps the camera on because the camera needs time to adjust after it has been turned on.  The very first image captured is sometimes very dark or black, but in a couple of seconds anfter that I'm getting good images.  Also, initialization takes time, so if you capture in a loop, all the turning off/on would be too slow.
> I'm also wondering through if there are CameraOn[] and CameraOff[] functions.

Murray Eisenberg                     murray at
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

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