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Re: Mathematica on tablet computer

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg124002] Re: Mathematica on tablet computer
  • From: Szabolcs Horvát <szhorvat at>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2012 05:55:24 -0500 (EST)
  • Delivered-to:
  • References: <jdul3u$jmn$>

On 2012.01.03. 11:26, ?erých Jakub wrote:
> I hope, that my queestion is not too much off topic for this group.
> I'm planning to buy tablet PC (or netbook). My first candidate is ASUS Transformer Prime, but the problem is, that until now it is sold only with Android OS (it is promised, that it shall be sold with MS Windows 8 in the near future).
> As a teacher I don't need any massive computation, but I realy do need Mathematica running on that device. I would like to ask group members if they have any personal experiences with Mathematica on such devices (tablet PCs or netbooks running Windows or Linux (not MacOS)).
> The second question is for group members from Wolfram: Is Wolfram planning to sell also Android version of Mathematica in the future? If not, would it be teorethicaly possible to run Mathematica on Windows 8 running on ARM processor platform?
> Thanks for any responses in advance

I don't know what WRI is planning, but I think it's interesting to point 
out that they seem to be committed to making the CDF player available on 

If I got it right, the CDF player must include at least some limited 
version of the Mathematica kernel to be able to run the interactive 

Szabolcs Horvát
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