Is it possible to flatten hash table?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg124140] Is it possible to flatten hash table?
- From: Szymon Roziewski <szymon.roziewski at>
- Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 04:18:24 -0500 (EST)
- Delivered-to:
Hello, I would like to create a hash table for some data. MakeHash[lon_, lat_, depth_] := Module[{Arr}, Arr[lon <> " " <> lat] = depth; Arr ]; BathHashT = MakeHash[ToString[Rnd[#1, 6]], ToString[Rnd[#2, 6]], #3] & @@ # & /@ Take[SeaBathCutEnd, 4]; Res = Flatten@BathHashT; Res["-2.966667 -2.000000"] As a result of Flatten I get {Arr$2002701, Arr$2002702, Arr$2002703, Arr$2002704}["-2.966667 -2.000000"], The function Rnd is to round a float number to 6 decimal digits. So it seems to be 4 hash table. For each hash there is one table. I thought that it could be flatten to one hash containing all data. I could do it in for loop but due to its poor perfmormance I wanted to avoid that. All best, Szymon Roziewski