Re: mEngine from Mathsource
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg128845] Re: mEngine from Mathsource
- From: mmausr <opngid at>
- Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 05:55:45 -0500 (EST)
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I've used mEngine in the past w/ version 6 of Mathematica and have also experienced difficulty installing it for use with more recent Matlab/Mathematica installations. Someone once reported edits to the mEngine source files in some newsgroup posting on the web which allegedly enabled mEngine to work again with more recent versions of Mma/Matlab. I however have not been able to replicate this person's success. An easier and perhaps more robust way of communicating between Mathematica and Matlab is to use Mathematica's built-in support for importing/exporting an older version of the Matlab native data format (4 or 5) and use the lightweight JSON format for Matlab structures (which are unsupported under 4 and 5). Using temp files (possibly in conjunction with a ramdisk) is the simplest vehicle for inter-process communication although shared memory IPC mechanisms could also be configured with a little more work. For scripting, I have use simple bash scripts that invoke the Matlab interpreter from the command line although RPC might also be possible to incorporate here as well. Since both Mma and Matlab nicely interface with Java (native support for Java classes as well as automatic datatype conversions) perhaps the latter could serve as an out-of-process communication and control link too.