Re: How to create links or bookmarks to jump to sections inside a notebook
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg127929] Re: How to create links or bookmarks to jump to sections inside a notebook
- From: Jason Ebaugh <ebaughjason at>
- Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2012 04:35:02 -0400 (EDT)
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- References: <k1k8on$90p$>
Select the cell that you want to link to. In the menu, go Cell>>Cell Tags>> Add/Remove Cell Tags. Add a tag to that cell. Make the hyperlink like so: [In]: Hyperlink["Go", {SelectedNotebook[], "TagOnDestinationCell"}] Of course, swap "TagOnDestinationCell" with whatever tag you used. If your picture is in a different .nb, you will need to link there, rather than to SelectedNotebook[]. Jason Jason Ebaugh jasonebaugh[at] On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 12:20:42 AM UTC-5, luke wallace wrote: > I'm trying to make an interactive e-book in mathematica. > > > > I know how to hyperlink to jump from one notebook to another, or to a helpfile in mathematica using 'hyperlink' symbol > > > > but how do I make text click-able which will make it jump to a certain picture inside the nb. > > > > So for example if I have a cell of text that has the text "Figure 1.1" so mewhere in there, I need to be able to click the "Figure 1.1" text like a hyperlink to jump to the figure which is in the same lengthy notebook but in a different section. Is it possible? > > > > If it is possible, how would I make a stylesheet that would automatically interlink textual "Figure X.X" with the actual picture (by tagging the picture), and then clicking the picture would jump back to the text?