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Does FindCurvePath work?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg128173] Does FindCurvePath work?
  • From: Ralph Dratman <ralph.dratman at>
  • Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 04:12:43 -0400 (EDT)
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I am wondering if anyone here has been able to make FindCurvePath work
properly -- work without freezing or stopping with an error -- and if so,
what is the secret of your success?

Every time I try using it, I end up with the same conclusion: broke.

The gist of the situation is, MorphologicalComponents[ ] pseudo-colors the
points in an image array, using a new integer to mark the points comprising
each component it identifies. Position[ ] can then find the points marked
with a given component number. That part works very well.

The component points I want to use lie on plane curves.
MorphologicalComponents marks the points in each curve with a component
number, but I need them to be in proper curve order. That is precisely the
job of FindCurvePath, but it just doesn't seem to work reliably enough to
be useful.

Any hints would be appreciated. Thank you.

Ralph Dratman

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