Re: 3D ViewPoint Selector (V5.2) in higher Mathematica versions ?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg130346] Re: 3D ViewPoint Selector (V5.2) in higher Mathematica versions ?
- From: "djmpark" <djmpark at>
- Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 22:52:57 -0400 (EDT)
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Robert, Here is a plot: Graphics3D[{Cuboid[{0, 0, 0}]}] In the Output Cell, place the curser before the plot and type "AbsoluteOptions[". Then after the plot type ", ViewPoint]". This will turn the Output Cell into an Input Cell. You can then evaluate to obtain the Viewpoint. You can actively rotate the plot to obtain new values upon re-evaluation. You could also use a list of options. David Park djmpark at From: Dr. Robert Kragler [mailto:kragler at] Hi, in Mathematica V 5.2 there was a useful graphics tool being envoked by Menu > Input > *3D ViewPoint Selector*. With this interactive palette/notebook one could easily determine the Cartesian or Spherical coordinates (i.e. {theta, phi, r} resp. {x,y,} ) of a wireframe cube and then paste these values for the optimized view of the rotated cube into another Mathematica graphics. Unfortunately this tool became obsolete from version 6.0. on (which is mainly due to the fact that 3D graphics can be manipulated interactively in higher Mathematica versions.) Nevertheless, in order to determine the optimum viewpoint coordinates I sometimes miss this tool. And I just searched in the installation tree structure of Mathematica V5.2 (and higher versions too) for a notebook resp. palette with the name 3DViewPointSelector (or similar) but could not find this tool even in V5.2. Of course, one could write a litte application with Manipulate for rotating a wireframe cube and read out the viewpoint coordinates. But if this tool already exists why do additional efforts... Does anyone know where to look for this nice graphics tool which (if available) would certainly be applicable in other Mathematica versions too. Help would be appreciated. Thanks R. Kragler -- Prof. Dr. Robert Kragler Email : kragler at URL :