MathGroup Archive 1993

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Notebook incompatibilities

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: Notebook incompatibilities
  • From: p.kent at
  • Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1993 17:19:28 +0100

 Richard Muirhead asked about the problems of loading NeXt or
Mac written notebooks into Mma for Windows. One of the reasons
for incompatibility is when different fonts are mixed inside 
the same cell---Windows Mma gets completely screwed up by this.

Its quite a serious problem in my view. When one is  writing 
mathematical/technical notebooks for teaching purposes then
one certainly wants to use proper Greek, italic, boldface,
symbol, etc. fonts to type mathematical formulae. 
Unfortunately Windows Mma can only handle one font per cell,
which is (frankly) useless for technical documents.

In a recent communication with WRI's Support team, I was told
that they are well aware of the problem but considered it
a low priority item! If the MathGroup community conplains 
loud enough, perhaps we can change that. However it seems that
the majority of MathGroup users are using Mac or NeXT machines,
and are already enjoying proper technical WP features.

Phillip Kent
Transitional Mathematics Project
Imperial College

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