MathGroup Archive 1995

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Calling BarChart function from Math-Link program

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2397] Calling BarChart function from Math-Link program
  • From: sridhar madduluri <204-1419 at>
  • Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 21:40:45 -0500
  • Organization: MCI

Hi All,
   I want to generate Graphs/Charts dynamically using 
Mathematica on the Web browser. I want to call the BarChart
function, read data from result of a stored procedure, 
generate the Graph , convert it from PostScript to GIF/JPEG
format and dispaly on the Web browser. I have managed to do 
all this statically using GhostScript for GIF convresions.

  I want to call BarChart function from Math-Link program
and redirect the output to a file like, Then I can read 
in from Perl program, convert to Gif using gs in the
program and display on the Browser programatically on NT.
  I have got the ML-Example.c program from MathSource 
(0203-184) which does similar thing, but I have not been able 
to make it work on NT.

If anyof you have any suggestions, or sample programs to read
Bar/Pie Charts through MathLink, Please email me.
Thanks for all your Help
Sridhar Madduluri
204-1479 at

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