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RE: Calling BarChart function from Math-Link program

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2407] RE: [mg2397] Calling BarChart function from Math-Link program
  • From: "John R. Fultz" <jfultz>
  • Date: Sun, 5 Nov 1995 16:03:41 -0500

I've not played with the ML-Example.c program you're using, but
in general, if you are writing a MathLink front end for use under
Windows NT, you must pass it the following set of arguments:

-linkname "c:\wnmath22\math" -linkmode launch -linkprotocol tcp

Many people forget that Windows NT does not support the Local
protocol, which is the default when no other protocol is specified.
Therefore, you must always be careful when doing MathLink
operations to specify the link protocol as TCP.

Also, you'll want to make sure that you've built your program as
a Win32 console program; it won't even build correctly if you
try to build it as a normal Win32 app.

John Fultz
Wolfram Research, Inc.

>From: 	sridhar madduluri[SMTP:204-1419 at]
>To: mathgroup at
>Subject: 	[mg2397] Calling BarChart function from Math-Link program

Hi All,
   I want to generate Graphs/Charts dynamically using 
Mathematica on the Web browser. I want to call the BarChart
function, read data from result of a stored procedure, 
generate the Graph , convert it from PostScript to GIF/JPEG
format and dispaly on the Web browser. I have managed to do 
all this statically using GhostScript for GIF convresions.

  I want to call BarChart function from Math-Link program
and redirect the output to a file like, Then I can read 
in from Perl program, convert to Gif using gs in the
program and display on the Browser programatically on NT.
  I have got the ML-Example.c program from MathSource 
(0203-184) which does similar thing, but I have not been able 
to make it work on NT.

If anyof you have any suggestions, or sample programs to read
Bar/Pie Charts through MathLink, Please email me.
Thanks for all your Help
Sridhar Madduluri
204-1479 at

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