Re: System of Equations
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg2134] Re: [mg2034] System of Equations
- From: "Daryl Reece" <"reece_d%Organization=ELEC_SYST_ENGR%Telephone=(404) 263-9200 x4439"%a1.clust.CLUST.umc at (404) (404) (404) (404) (404) (404)>
- Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 01:56:38 -0400
Ovidiu- I hadn't seen a solution to your problem so I'll throw in mine. Soln1[t_,c_]:= FixedPoint[ {fm[t,c] t E^(1+#[[2]] c)+3 E^6.5, Log[#[[1]]]/l[t,c]}&,{r0,k0}] This solution repeatedly applies a function to your initial guess for r and k (r0,k0). Nest could be substituted for FixedPoint. I tested it on some arbitrary functions, but I don't know if they are realistic. The above function could be polished to allow r0 and k0 to be input interactively. Hope this helps, Daryl