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Re: Is there really no longer any way to Find cells by cell style?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8276] Re: Is there really no longer any way to Find cells by cell style?
  • From: "Theodore W. Gray" <theodore>
  • Date: Sat, 23 Aug 1997 01:59:19 -0400
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

You can option-click on a cell bracket to select all cells in the
same style.  Option-shift-click will add them to an existing selection.
This handles a large fraction of what the old feature was good for.
For example, to select all the input cells in a notebook, just
option-click on the cell bracket of any input cell.

Or you can use the NotebookFind function to select cells matching
a given style:

   NotebookFind[SelectedNotebook[], "Input", All, {CellStyle}]

will find all "Input" style cells in the notebook. 

Here is a palette you might find useful: It has buttons to select
all the input, output, etc, style cells in a notebook.  You can
easily add buttons for whatever particular styles you want.

      ColumnSpacings->0]], "Text",
  ButtonBoxOptions->{ButtonFunction:>(FrontEndExecute[ {
        FrontEnd`SelectedNotebook[ ], #, All, {CellStyle}]}]&),

Theodore Gray

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