MathGroup Archive 1997

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Re: Graphics manipulation question [revision]

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8444] Re: [mg8318] Graphics manipulation question [revision]
  • From: Allan Hayes <hay at>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 00:42:55 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Here is some simpler and faster code.
Please not that the function to be applied now comes first , as in  
MapAt and the rest of the input is as for Cases.

MapAtCases::usage =
  "MapAtCases[fn, expr, pattern]applies the function fn at each  
part of expr that matches pattern.
\nMapAtCases[fn,expr, pattern,lev, k, opts], applies fn at up to k  
positions in level lev.Default values are : for k, Infinity; for  
lev,1. There is only one option, Heads ->Infinity.
(the arrangement and behaviour of the inputs apart from the first  
one is like that of Cases).
\nThe data for fn for action at position pos are expr[[pos]],pos,  
index (first, second ... selection made), k, total number of  
selections made.";

Options[MapAtCases] = {Heads -> False};

MapAtCases[fn_,expr_,pat_,lev_:1,k_:Infinity, opts___?OptionQ] :=
  	Module[{n = 0, ln, pos},
   		pos = Position[expr, pat, lev, k, opts,
      		Sequence @@ Options[MapAtCases]];
      		ln = Length[pos];
    		MapAt[fn[#1, pos[[++n]], n, k, ln] & , expr, pos]


	{f[a, {1}, 1, Infinity, 2], {a, b}, a[b],
  	f[a, {4}, 2, Infinity, 2]}


	{3, {f[3, {2, 1}, 1, Infinity, 1], 2}, 3[2], 3}

	{a, {f[a, {2, 1}, 1, 2, 2], b}, f[a, {3, 0}, 2, 2, 2][b], a}


g = Graphics[Table[Circle[{Random[],Random[]}, Random[]],{10}]];
cl = Table[Hue[Random[]],{10}];

Show[%, AspectRatio -> Automatic];

This form has been designed to ease the user's task by providing a  
great deal of data for immediate use. In fact so long as we  the  
function f can access the index (first, third,
choice ..) and the list of positions then the user can do just as  
much but with a little more programming:

In MapAtCases2, below, I have stored the positions in the variable  
MACPostions - which would be in the package context if the function  
were properly packaged and would need a usage message.

   opts___?OptionQ] :=
  	Module[{n = 0, ln},
   		MACPositions = Position[expr, pat, lev, k, opts,
      	Sequence @@ Options[MapAtCases]];
    	MapAt[fn[++n]& , expr, MACPositions]

gg ={a,{a,b},a[b],a};




Show[%, AspectRatio -> Automatic];

Allan Hayes
hay at
voice:+44 (0)116 2714198
fax: +44 (0)116 2718642
Leicester,  UK

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