MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: Debug program

Chik Tai Wai David wrote:
> Dear,
> I am using mathematica to write a program that solves a differential
> equation by finite difference method ( one of numerical methods ). I
> use Table[] to generate a set of linear equations and try to use
> Table[Solve[]] to solve for the unknowns. But an error message of
> something like "general::ivar:X[1],X[2],X[3] is not an valid variable"
> appears. I don't know what is wrong so would any one can do me a favor
> ? My program file is attached as "trial.nb". Just read the last cell
> first to see my problem. Thank you very much !
> Regards,
> David Chik. (


  "({(Temp[(6, 0)]), (Temp[(6, 1)]), (Temp[(6, 2)]),   (Temp[(6, 3)]),
(Temp[(6, 4)])}) is not a valid variable."

"Solve[eqns, vars] attempts to solve an equation or set of equations for
the variables vars. Solve[eqns, vars, elims] attempts to solve the
equations for vars, eliminating the variables elims."

name[0,0] is not a variable, it is a symbol evaluated at a certain point
0,0.  Since it seems like you are dealing with a matrix problem, why
not use lists?  Instead of having a function k and temp etc that are
defined at a myriad of specific points, why not have a list k and a
list temp that have many elements.
Remove the _nospam_ in the return address to respond.

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    • Debug program
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