Re: Making multiple plots
- To:
- Subject: [mg10292] Re: Making multiple plots
- From: Allan Hayes <>
- Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 03:47:14 -0500
- References: <68l2fk$>
L. Sartre wrote: > I would like to show two plots on a same graphics output but separatly. > For this, I do as follows: > > curve1 := Plot[Sin[t x], {x, -Pi, Pi}, PlotRange -> {-Pi,Pi}, {-1, 1}}]; > curve2 := Plot[Cos[t x], {x, -Pi, Pi}, PlotRange -> {-Pi,Pi}, {-1, > 1}}]; > curve:=Graphics[{Rectangle[Scaled[{0,0}],Scaled[{0.5,1}],courbe1],Rectangle[ > Scaled[{0.5,0}],Scaled[{1,1}],courbe2]}]; Show[Graphics[courbe]] > > Then I get three plots. I am interested in getting only the third one. > Does anyone has any suggestion ? Here is variant of your code.Display is turned off by setting DisplayFunction -> Identity and is turned on by setting DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction In this case you do not need to specify the plot range, but it is a good precaution if you want to display all the plot, and here it can be done by PlotRange -> All. (1) curve1 := Plot[Sin[2 x], {x, -Pi, Pi}, PlotRange -> All, DisplayFunction -> Identity]; curve2 := Plot[Cos[3 x], {x, -Pi, Pi}, PlotRange -> All, DisplayFunction -> Identity]; curve:= Graphics[ {Rectangle[Scaled[{0,0}],Scaled[{0.5,1}],curve1], Rectangle[Scaled[{0.5,0}],Scaled[{1,1}],curve2] } ]; Show[curve, (*Graphics wrapper not needed*) DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction ]; (2) You may find GraphicsArray useful Show[GraphicsArray[{curve1,curve2},Frame->True ]]; Graphics array automatically sets DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction (3) The display can be programmed very compactly Show[ Block[{$DisplayFunction = Identity}, GraphicsArray[ {Plot[Sin[2 x], {x, -Pi, Pi}, PlotRange-> All], Plot[Cos[3x], {x, -Pi, Pi}, PlotRange ->All] }]], Frame->True]; or Show[ Block[{$DisplayFunction = Identity}, GraphicsArray[ Plot[#,{x, -Pi, Pi}, PlotRange-> All]&/@{Sin[2x],Cos[3x]} ]], Frame->True]; -- Allan Hayes Training and Consulting Leicester, UK voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198 fax: +44 (0)116 271 8642