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Re: How do I insert input in Install command?

  • To:
  • Subject: [mg10313] Re: How do I insert input in Install command?
  • From: (Kevin Leuthold)
  • Date: Mon, 5 Jan 1998 22:24:31 -0500
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc
  • References: <684u8h$>


Your filename should be a String.  (This is true in general in 
Mathematica, not just for the Install function: any function that takes
a  filename will expect that filename as a String.)

Also, when you use the backslash in a filename, you need to escape the 
backslash, so that Mathematica doesn't think that your filename has the
special characters '\m' and '\a' in it.

So, your call to Install should look like this:

 	myprog = Install["c:\\maths\\addtwo.exe"]

Kevin Leuthold
Wolfram Research

In article <684u8h$>, says...
> Hello
> 	I used Mathematica3.0 and used Mathlink to install external command
> that is an example for MLDK
> 	myprog = Install[c:\maths\addtwo.exe]
> it happen an error message
> 	Syntax :: tsntxi : "\maths\addtwo.exe" is incomplete;
> 	more input is needed.
> How do I insert input in this command?
> Thanks
> R.Inorn

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