MathGroup Archive 1998

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Customizing your keyboard by creating new aliases

Hi all,

I previously asked if Mathematica supported curly quotes, and thanks to
Allan Hayes and Paul Abbott I discovered that it does. However, the
only ways to input this character are through the palettes or by using
their complete names. That is, no aliases exist for these characters,
and I couldn't find any way to create new aliases in the help.

In response to the recent posts considering, I looked in
the TextResources directory and discovered the file This file contains a list of all named characters
and their aliases. So, I tried putting in a new alias for the curly
quotes, and voila, when I restarted Mathematica, these new aliases
worked! So, if any one wants to create new aliases this is one way to
do so.

Carl Woll
Dept of Physics
U of Washington

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