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Re: Mathemtica notebooks on web sites

At 6:52 PM 98.5.7, Silvia Heubach wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have developed some Mathematica notebooks and packages for one of my
> courses and want to post these on a website for students to view and/or
> download. I saw that you can safe notebooks as HTML, which produces
> many a graphics file (one for every cell and graphic). However, once
> the file is converted to HTML, there seems to be no easy way to convert
> back to Mathematica. So how do I make a notebook available for viewing
> and then saving? If anybody has experience with this matter or can
> point me to a tutorial/book/reference, I would appreciate it a lot.
> Thanks,
> Silvia
> ****************************************** Silvia Heubach
> Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science California State University
> Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive
> Los Angeles, CA 90032-8204
> 213-343-2158
> ******************************************

I put a text file together with a pdf file in my www home page. By
extractin g the text file naming xxx.nb, one can use the Mathematica
notebook. For exa mple, please see my home page
( where yo u see some Mathematica
notebooks for my physics courses (I am sorry that the explanations are
in Japanese, but you should be able to figure out what's go ing on).

I found the following when using "HTML saving"; (1)  When inputs are in
the InputForm, one can copy the inputs in the HTML f ile and paste them
in a Mathematica file; thus one can execute the inputs. (2) When a text
cell contains mathematical expressions taken from a Mathemat ica
output, my Mac (PPC) crashes when converting to a HTML file. (3) When
inputs are in the StandardForm, some of big  GIF figures are clippe
d.(4) Some Kanji characters are converted to different Kanji characters
(Mat hematica must use an old JIS conversion table).

I suppose the item (3) could be solved by some way. Does anybody know
how to avoid clipping?



-------------------------------------------------------------- Noboru
Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering
Toyo University
2100 Kujirai
Kawagoe City, Saitama, 350-8585 Japan voice:  81-492-39-1328
fax:     81-492-33-9779

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