MathGroup Archive 1999

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Re: Display::initstate problems

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg21283] Re: Display::initstate problems
  • From: Technical Support <support at>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 03:47:03 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Recently there have been a number of questions from users who are getting the
error message:

Display cannot be used during initialization

when attempting to display graphics.  We have been unable to reproduce this
problem in our test labs with any version of Mathematica on any platform.  
It is possible that a particular manufacturing run of disks was corrupted,
causing this problem to appear only in versions sent through certain dealers.

To help us determine which batch may have been effected, it would be very
helpful if anyone experiencing this problem could send us all the information
they can about the version number, and where and when they purchased their copy
of Mathematica.  We would like to be able to provide replacement media to
anyone who is likely to experience this problem, even if they have not yet
encountered it, and to do this we need to determine where the bad versions have 
been sent.

If you have experienced this problem, please send the details of your version
of Mathematica to support at  You can get the necessary details by
evaluating the following input in Mathematica.

  {$Version, $ReleaseNumber, $LicenseID}

We will keep you informed, and if this turns out to be a manufacturing defect,
we will of course ship replacement disks to anyone effected.

Thank you,

Technical Support
Wolfram Research, Inc.
support at

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