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Re: Cursor bug in mathematica 3

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg21764] Re: Cursor bug in mathematica 3
  • From: sidles at (John A. Sidles)
  • Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 22:56:44 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <86g17h$heg at>,
Atul Sharma <atulksharma at> wrote:
>I had the same problem when I upgraded to System 8.1. The Appearance
>Extension can be updated with a fix from Wolfram. This took care of the
>problem, but it sounds as if you may be out of luck if you're using OS 8.5+
>(short of restarting the session, which is effective but annoying).
>The faq and fix are described:
>If you're using Mathematica under MacOS 8.0 (or later) and the fonts aren't
>appearing correctly (i.e. characters overlap or spaces disappear), you might
>be running into a MacOS 8.0-specific bug. Please see the following web page
>for more information. ...This patch is not compatible with MacOS 8.5 and
>8.6. We are continuing to work on a solution for these problems under that
>version of MacOS.

Hey!  To my certain knowledge, you Wolfram guys have been "continuing 
to work on a solution" to this problem for more than a year ... with 
no solution delivered yet. 

Don't you think it's reasonable for us to want a progress report?  

   (1) Why is the fix taking so long?
   (2) When will a fix be released?

And if Wolfram Inc. is *not* working on a fix, well ... please show 
us the courtesy of announcing it on your support web page. 

This one bug -- and its failure to be fixed in a timely manner -- 
has caused several of my colleagues at the UW to switch to another system.  
Unlike me, these faculty members didn't care enough to pester the 
administrators at Wolfram to do a better job.  

The sad result is that I am pretty sure that I am the last remaining 
Mathematica-using professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department.

A loyal but often-frustrated Mathematica fan ... John Sidles

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